Labor Law
Bufete Santana & Asociados has been specializing in the practice of Law from its beginning, therefore we are able to offer you counseling at the preventive level in your employer-employee’s relations and at court level in labor lawsuits before the administrative and judicial authoriries of the field. Our ñrm has assisted various enterprises at the local level and the main unions of the country, our experience in this field is strengthened by the appointment of our Member and Founder, Candelario Santana Vasquez as Ministry of Labor. Among others, our services in this speciality, are:
- Permanent counseling to companies
- Permanent counseling to workers’ social organizations
- Conciliation and Mediation before the Minisury of labor and Labor Development
- Obtaining Working Permits
- Writing of legal agreements, dismissal letters, mutual agreements
- Negotiation of Labor Agreements and statements of petition
- Labor lawsuits in general
Administrative Law
Due to the complexity of the relation with the State, we assist our clients in their claims and proceedings before the public entity; assisting them in:
- Indemnity claims against the State
- Exhausting the Governmental Channel
- Nullity Action
- Action in Full Jurisdiction
Horizontal Property
Our firm, aware of the real estate boom of the country, makes available to you our services in Horizontal Property (P.H. for its initial in Spanish)matters, having in mind the rendering of pertinent legal counseling with the objeaive of optimizing the negotiation and administration of your P.H. Among some of our services are:
- Incorporation into the P.H. System
- Permanent counseling for P.H. administrations and Board of Directors
- Drawing and registration of minutes at the Public Registry
Civil Law
We consider Civil law as the “matrix of the law”, due to its historical importance which directly influences the development of daily activities . To such end, we counsel you in the writing of agreements, wills, donations, equity planning , daims for contractual and extra-contractual civil liability; and lawsuits in civil matters, in general.
Constitutional Law
we support the defense of your fundamental rights, by suing in your favor at different instances, from a Civil Court of the Circuit to the Full Supreme Court of Justice, by means of:
- Protection of Constitutional Guarantees
- Unconstitutionality action
- Warning of Unconstitutionality
- Habeas Data
Commercial Law
We counsel you in your commercial operations and transactions, rendering our professional services in:
- Counseling in commercial law matters according to the needs of your company
- Organization and Dissolution of Corporations
- Organization and Dissolution of Private Interest Foundations
- Merging of Corporation
- Registration of Foreign Corporation
- Minutes of shareholders’Assembly and of meetings of the Board of Directors
- Revision and drawing of agreements
- Counseling in the organization and opening of Trusts
Other Services: We also offer services in the areas of:
- Intellectual property
- Tax law
- Banking law and securities
Law Suits:
To support you in your judicial actions, we have experience in lawsuits, acting with the necessary due diligence to enforce your interests. Product of our practice before the courts of Justice, some of our lawsuits have become important precedents at the national jurisprudence level and other have been resolved by means of extrajudicial agreements which have been beneficial to our clients. In Bufete Santana & Asociados, we specialize in:
- Civil Processes
- Labor Processes
- Contentious-Administrative Process (action under administrative law)
- Constitutional Processes